
Sample Preparation

  • sample preparation for negative staining EM
  • sample vitrification by plunge freezing on Vitrobot Mark IV or Leica EM GP2
  • chemical fixation and resin embedding
  • high-pressure freezing
  • freeze substitution
  • (cryo-)ultramicrotomy
  • cryo-FIBM lamella preparation


  • sample screening in negative stain EM
  • cryo-EM sample screening and acquisition of initial dataset + selection of suitable areas for large scale data acquisition

Data Collection

  • (S)TEM imaging
  • SEM imaging
  • automated single-particle data collection
  • automated cryo-ET data acquisition
  • electron diffraction tomography data collection

Data Analysis*

  • single-particle data analysis
  • cryo-ET data analysis

* The data analysis can be offered to only a limited number of projects due to the personnel capacity. The request for the data analysis service has to be made in advance of the data acquisition and has to be confirmed by facility staff.


  • safety training and lab tour
  • negative staining sample preparation
  • plunge freezing
  • TEM imaging
  • microscope alignement
  • setup of single-particle data acquisition on Talos Arctica or Titan Krios
  • setup of automated cryo-ET data collection on Talos Arctica or Titan Krios


  • FB820 - Structural electron microscopy
  • C9940 - 3-Dimensional Transmission electron microscopy

** Basic EM courses at the Faculty of Science of the Masaryk University lectured by facility staff.