Data Accessibility
The Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography core facility (CEMCOF) utilizes the CEITEC MU central storage for deposition of the user data. The CEITEC central storage is available to the users through virtual organization MetaCentrum as brno14-ceitec. The primary purpose of the repository is the storage of raw electron microscopy data. The internal CEMCOF users have to have an active account in MetaCentrum to directly access the data on the central storage. The external and industry CEMCOF users will be provided with links/commands for secured data transfer following the service provision.
CEMCOF does not currently enforce any hard quotas on the storage of the raw scientific data per user or measurement set.
Data Storage
The microscope operating PCs do not serve for long-term data storage. Any data on the microscope operating PCs older than 7 days will be removed without any further notification. CEMCOF users shall store their data on the CEITEC MU central storage (brno14-ceitec).
Data Transfer
Data transfer using secured network communication protocol (e.g. scp, sftp, rsync) is preferred in the case of external and industry users. The email with the instructions on how to retrieve the data will be sent to the user upon finalization of the measurement. The internal facility users can directly mount the central storage using NFS protocol or download the data using a secured network communication protocol. Data transfer via USB or other portable media is possible from the microscope support PC located in the E35/1S119 office (microscope operator room). It is prohibited to connect USB or other portable media directly to microscope operating PCs.
Temporary Data
Any data on the microscope PCs older than 7 days may be removed without any further notification. The facility will store the raw scientific data for its internal users for a minimum of three years. The results of the data analysis older than six months may be removed from the storage upon agreement with the data owner. External and industry user data will be retained on the data storage for a minimum of 60 days after which it may be removed without any further notification.
Data Security
The data on the central storage are accessible via single-factor authentication (login and password) of the user account in MetaCentrum. The external and industrial users will be provided with temporary login details.
Handling Sensitive Data
N/A (CEMCOF does not currently have procedures to handle sensitive data.)
Responsible Person(s)
In case of data related queries, please contact Karel Skubnik or Jiri Novacek.